Keyless Entry: Pros and Cons of Electronic Locks



In the past, keys were the only way to secure a property. However, keys can be lost or stolen, and it can be challenging to keep track of them. Keyless entry systems are an alternative that provides security and convenience. Electronic locks use a variety of mechanisms to unlock the door, such as codes, cards, or biometric scans. In this article, Our Locksmith Brighton will help you explore the pros and cons of keyless entry systems.


Pros of Electronic Locks



Keyless entry systems are convenient because there is no need to carry around a physical key. It eliminates the risk of losing or forgetting a key. Additionally, electronic locks can be programmed to automatically lock or unlock at specific times of the day. This means you can set the lock to open in the morning when you leave for work and lock up automatically at night.



Electronic locks are more secure than traditional locks because they are harder to pick or tamper with. Most electronic locks use a code or biometric scan to unlock the door, which is more secure than a physical key. Electronic locks also make it easier to manage access to a property. 


Keyless Access Management

With electronic locks, you can easily manage who has access to your property. For example, you can assign a temporary code to a guest and delete it once they leave. You can also monitor who has entered and left your property by checking the lock’s activity log.



Electronic locks offer a great deal of flexibility. For example, you can program the lock to only allow access during certain times of the day or days of the week. This is useful for businesses that have different hours of operation on weekdays and weekends.


Easy Installation

Electronic locks are easy to install and do not require any special tools or skills. Most electronic locks come with a detailed instruction manual and can be installed in under an hour.


Keyless Entry

Cons of Electronic Locks



Electronic locks can be more expensive than traditional locks. The cost of an electronic lock depends on the type of lock and the features it has. However, electronic locks are an investment in the security and convenience of your property.

Power Outages

Electronic locks require power to operate, and if there is a power outage, the lock may not work. Some electronic locks have a battery backup, but ensuring the backup is charged is essential.


Vulnerability to Hacking

Electronic locks are vulnerable to hacking, which can compromise the security of your property. Choosing a lock from a reputable manufacturer that uses encryption to protect against hacking is essential.



Electronic locks are more complex than traditional locks and can malfunction. If the lock malfunctions, you may not be able to access your property until the issue is resolved.


Compatibility Issues

Electronic locks may not be compatible with all doors, and it’s essential to make sure the lock you choose is compatible with your door’s thickness and size. It’s also essential to ensure that the lock is compatible with your home automation system if you have one.



Keyless entry systems offer convenience and security, but they also have their drawbacks. Electronic locks are more expensive than traditional locks and may not work during power outages. They are also vulnerable to hacking and may malfunction. However, electronic locks are a significant investment in the security and convenience of your property.


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