
If you get locked out of your car, you need an automotive Locksmith Virginia to help. For car owners who lock their keys in the vehicle, there are plenty of ways for a locksmith to get the door open. Five easy ways a locksmith can open your vehicle.

Here are 5 Methods a Locksmith can open Vehicles:

The Slim Jim

A popular tool in the locksmith trade, a slim jim can be used to break into your car and get you back on the road quickly. Before attempting to open the car by force, insert this tool in between the rubber weather stripping and your car’s window.

When a locksmith inserts this tool, they can reach down to the lock and pop it open. If not used correctly, using a slim jim can disable your car’s airbags or damage its electrical system.


Reprogramming of Keys

Nowadays, newer cars can be unlocked using programming-type keyless entry systems. A good locksmith can use keyless entry and re-program the lock. Crawl inside your vehicle without risking damage to the exterior.

Broken Key Extractor

Broken Key in lockIf the key gets broken off in the lock, a Locksmith Virginia can use an extractor to pull out the broken part of the key. It doesn’t matter how old your lock is, the key extractor will get you back in.

Once the portion of your key that no longer works is removed, a locksmith will create a new key for you to unlock your car. It’s also possible your car locksmith can use the door handle clip removal tool. This will help with unlocking, as well.

J and L Tools

If you want another tool option for your locksmith to get into your car, they can use J and L Tools. These tools are used to switch lock and unlock buttons on older cars that are found within the car’s inner panel. The J tool can be used in this case to reach down and release the car door.

A car-specific tool such as an L-tool is used similarly to a screwdriver, but they are designed for specific types of cars. Typically, the J tool is not used when working on newer vehicles.

Re-flashing Immobilizer

Some newer vehicles will have an immobilizer security feature that may be causing this issue. This anti-theft device will keep the car from starting if someone tries to steal it. The starter on your vehicle may have a defect that prevents you from starting the engine.

Your automotive locksmith can get into your car, and they will be able to help you with all of the basics of moving around. They know how to fix this issue and have seen it many times before.

Locksmiths have a few ways of getting you into your car when it’s stuck in gear and starting the engine. These are five of the most common ways your Locksmith Virginia will get you back into your vehicle and unlock it fast. Whether you have an older vehicle or a brand new car, Stronghold Locksmith is here to help you.


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